House in Redmond, WA

The house is in the city limits of Remond, WA. About a 7-10 minutes north of downtown Redmond. It's about a 15-20 minute commute for Wes - which is great for Seattle. The house is listed as a 3 bedroom, den, loft and bonus room, 2 1/2 bath. We are enclosing the loft to make that another optional bedroom and putting a shower in the 1/2 bath to make 2 3/4 bath. The bonus rooms around here make up for having no basement.

We have researched the area a lot. There will be another house going up to the left front of us. Also the farm to the side of us in the back is another development going up. The way the house is positioned we will keep our backyard views.

Kristina is already enjoying the long driveway we have.

Here is the family room/kitchen and view from the family room. In WA you get a deck but no washer/dryer or refrigerator.

Foyer and stairs and dining room. We are going to change the light fixture and make this a sitting room.
Kitchen (granite!) with great view of greenbelt.
Masterbedroom with beautiful views.
Master bath.
Bonus room and loft. Bonus room will be Kristina's and baby's playroom. Loft will be our office.
Kristina's room (with view), upstairs bath, baby's room.
Guest room on first floor, backyard.